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Guide To Grading Coffee Beans

There are many different coffee beans, so why is it that some coffee beans can be brought from your favorite specialist coffee shop while others can't be? Before you drink a cup of coffee there are people whose job it is to work produce the coffee as you know it. Before coffee even gets onto a boat it is graded by people who are employed to look at the coffee and assess its worth. A Green coffee seller is the person that does this job.

Beans are carefully examined for a number of traits. The graders will look to check that the beans are a uniform size and shape. If these are different shapes then the roast could be uneven. Smaller beans will roast quicker than larger ones.

This is why it's important to check that all of the beans are of a similar size. The graders will also check the color of the beans. If the beans have an uneven color then this suggests that the beans have not been dried properly. It could also suggest that these beans are from different plantations which again isn't desirable as it can change the roasting process.

The beans should be separated so that they are all grown by the same plantation so that the best result can be achieved. The beans must be picked, processed and dried before they can even be roasted. It's best if you can get the beans processed as soon as possible after they have been harvested. If you don't process them quickly then they will start to ferment, by drying the beans out you are stopping this happening.

Lots of bean producers put the beans into water in order to separate out any bad beans as these will float at differing levels in the water. A better quality of bean is produced if the beans are dry roasted. Dry processed beans have a silver skin. If this skin can be removed by simply rubbing the bean then it's fine. If other ripe beans have this silver skin which cannot be removed by rubbing then it will create a bitter coffee. Drying coffee beans isn't easy either.

A lot of effort is put into drying the beans as quickly as possible. Some beans are dried quicker by using mechanical methods however these do not produce as good a result. By drying the beans too quickly can create an uneven color. Beans should be dried on a rock or concrete slab in order to dry the skin out.

They can then be mechanically dried. More expensive beans will be dried much slower which creates a very even color with the perfect moisture content. Graders also look for a few other important things. If the beans have not been dried properly then they can have a white edge. This would produce a flavorless cup so graders will keep an eye out for this.

Arabica coffee beans should be even in color and have a bright appearance. Graders will also check the smell of beans, they should have a fresh aroma which doesn't have any tinges of smoky flavors.

Vince Paxton writes especially for http://www.coffee-espresso-maker-tips.com , a web page about saeco espresso maker . His comments on saeco coffee machine are published on his website .


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